Closer to practice

MES in the production lines of the prefabricated housing industry can also be culturally surprising. At least that’s what Devaki Joshi – a new granIT employee from India – thinks.

Cultural diversity and the associated professional enrichment has long been granIT’s corporate philosophy and needs no special introduction. So: Let’s introduce Devaki Joshi – a programmer from India and new member of the granIT team.

Actually, too few Indian talents find their way to Germany, although they are urgently needed in the IT industry. One (albeit small) example of this is the number of months it took for granIT to fill a long-vacant programming position with a qualified employee like Devaki Joshi.

Diversity in action

Accordingly, the 32-year-old Indian was not only enthusiastically welcomed by her compatriot Lipi in the granIT team. Her professional know-how was also very much welcomed right from the start.

After her school days, Devaki studied at the GECA, India (for Bachelors) and Pune University (for Masters) and completed her Bachelor in Computer Science and Master in Business Administration degrees. She then worked for a year at Tata Consultancy Services in Pune, India as a software developer and two and a half years at Global Market Insights as a market researcher.

In the meantime, she married a former fellow student, who in turn did his Master in Berlin. It was only a small step from enthusiastic enthusiasm for Germany to concrete plans for relocation: knowing that their professions and talents are in great demand here, the two started a new life in Germany.
Incidentally, without any major bureaucratic hurdles, as Devaki emphasises. It takes a little longer, but the bureaucratic process is “easy to understand”.

After a certain period of acclimatisation to the new culture, the young Indian worked for two years at Aradex AG in Lorch as a web developer – until the birth of her child.

“A little bit of German language”

After the birth of her child she had parental leave and certain “Kindergarten-issues” as she charmingly describes it. These, in turn, are the reason why Devaki can only work part-time at granIT.
Before she can work fulltime, she has to wait for the “Kindergarten”. Devaki uses the German word as a matter of course in her English speech. And in general, she already speaks “a bissle Deutsch” – unmistakable that she spent most of her time in Germany in Swabia in Southern Germany.

Shortly after Devaki Joshi was hired, granIT CEO Wolfgang Bock was already very pleased that the new colleague could be given basic tasks right away. Devaki’s experience with granIT key solutions in the area of Manufacturing Execution Systems is still minimal. But this is logically improving with every day that Devaki Joshi programs for granIT.

Exciting practical relevance

The granIT colleague is particularly interested in the practical aspect of her work with MES. “For me, it’s completely new to be able to experience the results of my work directly in implementation. When Wolfgang Bock showed me the effects of granIT-MES in SchwörerHaus’ production line, it was a professional novelty and also a personally enriching experience.”

But Devaki Joshi goes even further: “For me, production lines for prefabricated wooden houses were also a cultural surprise. I didn’t even know that such a thing existed. In India, every house is still built stone on stone. Automated prefabricated house production – that’s really new territory for me. And highly interesting, also with regard to my Indian homeland!”

One more reason to welcome Devaki Joshi to the granIT ranks.

Living diversity in the IT business – for granIT Managing Director Wolfgang Bock and his team, this is no longer a dream of the future: “In the meantime, diversity is everyday work at granIT: Not only has the proportion of women increased significantly at granIT, but also the openness to other perspectives, cultures and new topics!