For granIT, the future has already started!
No science fiction: Industrie 4.0 has been a solid parameter at granIT for all developments in the software sector. Today the economic succes of a company depends on its efficient production. Therefore the production process must be intelligent, flexible and transparent – the digital networking makes it happen!
In the age of Industrie 4.0 a nearly autonomously operating production has become a matter of course. A production that organizes and controls and even improves itself. A permanent transparent interaction between man and machine.
This is where granIT comes in.
With our MES solutions the added value in the production chain can be improved profitably. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) offered by granIT enable a perfect machine utilization and an optimal order processing, inform about current order progresses and localize upcoming production delays. So MES solutions offered by granIT provide an active quality management that principally manages itself.
So the Internet of Things (IoT) is already an integral part of our product portfolio. The networking between “intelligent” hardware components with each other as well with the internet is taken as guidance in the right direction at granIT. Objects and machines – equipped with specific sensors and processors – are able to communicate via the IP network: already a standard for granIT !